Mekkit University 012 - RCT2 Pathfinding Tests

Mekkit University 012 - RCT2 Pathfinding Tests

Hey everyone!

Here are the results of several diagonal pathfinding tests. You will see how each configuration affects the guests' movement.


Mekkit’s Tests

Every test uses the same map and begins with zero guests before using the Large Tram cheat.


Test 1 (CONTROL): Simple jagged edge diagonal path. Majority of guests can navigate. Only a few guests turn back. Very good.




Test 2: Open ended diagonal paths. Very bad. Guests cannot navigate past the 3rd open ended path, except for a handful of guests who made it all the way to the 5th open ended path before turning back again.



Test 3: Open ended diagonal paths with no entry banners facing one direction. Also bad. Guests cannot navigate past the 3rd open ended path again.



Test 4: Open ended diagonal paths with no entry banners in both directions. Better but still bad. the majority of guests turn around before making it through to the other side.



Test 5: Open ended diagonal paths but only open on one side instead of two, and banners. Still bad. Majority of guests turn back



Test 6: Open ended diagonal paths but only open on one side, and no banners. Very bad. Guests cannot navigate past the 3rd open path



Test 7: One open path. still good. Majority can navigate, but a few guests turn around at the open path.



Test 8: Two open ends. a large number of guests make it through, but still the majority are trapped.



Test 9: Two open ends cornering a straight 90deg path. Guests get tripped up on the open ends but use the other side of the path normally. guests may or may not be able to pass the open ends.



Test 10: Fulltile path pasted over corrupted path. Good. Guests treat as if normal jagged edge path in Control Test 1.



Test 11: Queue path on corners. Bad. Majority of guests cannot navigate all the way through. Guests also seems particularly attracted to the queues - the other side of the path remains barren in contrast.



Test 12: Full path replaced by interconnected queue pieces. No open ends. Better results than in Test 11, but falls short of Control Test 1 and Test 10. Guests do use the entire width of the path unlike Test 11.