Git Gud 056 - Making a realistic Intamin Accelerator!
Hey everyone!
Intamin Accelerators are a type of coaster that use an hydraulic launch to propel the ride vehicle forward at a high speed, usually leading through a track with twists, inversions or sometimes a big top hat! Some examples of these rides are Kingda Ka, Top Thrill Dragster, Rita (Alton Towers) and Speed Monster (Tusenfryd). Accelerator coasters are not known for very good reliability, so newer coasters typically use a magnetic launch system instead.
It can actually be quite fun to build one of these in OpenRCT2! I could describe the different kinds of layouts for Accelerator coasters you could make, but the video does a much better job! It will also show you some ways to make the launch track look really nice by layering some kinds of track over each other! For this ride type I typically use the stand-up coaster trains, simply because they look most like the trains Intamin uses for these rides.