Mini Parking Lot Contest
Hey everyone!
Bumbly Beach is in need of new parking facilities for the park. In the save file that you can find below, you are given a plot of land with a road and path to connect to. Use this to create the best parking lot ever! You will also find several tutorials and videos related to building a parking lot in OpenRCT2 on this page!
- Rule 1: You must build parking facilities on the Contest Map that is provided near the bottom of this page.
- Rule 2: Your parking facilities must connect to the road that is indicated with a sign. You must also connect a path to the boardwalk so your guests would have a way to the park. I do not recommend allowing guests to walk all over your parking lot.
- Rule 3: The deadline for this contest will be on the 9th of October at 19:00 CEST!
- Rule 4: For this contest, you are not allowed to use custom scenery or rides in your park, with the exception of custom recolorable versions of standard in-game scenery! You are also allowed to use a custom palette if you want. Deselect all unused custom objects in the object selection before sending in the save file!
- Rule 5: You are only allowed to build in the area in between the blue park fence, the dirt paths behind the houses and the boardwalk path. The area has been marked with the brownish sandy ground texture.
- Rule 6: Your parking lot must have cars or other vehicles parked on it!
- Rule 7: Have fun!
How to join
- Step 1: Join my Discord server. Discord is completely free!
- Step 2: Build your map and decorate it!
- Step 3: When you are done with your contest entry, go on Discord, and send the save file to me in a Private Message. For the name of the save file, I want you to simply use the name that you use on Discord. For example, if your discord name is sordid, for the save file name, use sordid.park. After you have sent the save file to me, I will look if it follows the rules, and I will check for anything you can still improve. You can resubmit your entry until the deadline of the round, even if I have already accepted it. Please deselect all unused custom objects before sending in the save file!
- Step 4: Submit a story for others to read in the voting poll!
After the deadline has passed, I will put up a voting poll with all the entries. In this voting poll, everyone who is a member on my Discord, including you, will be able to rate all the other entries, and leave a short review.
When the voting period is over I will announce the results in a Youtube video!
Good luck, and have fun!